Wednesday, June 09, 2004


One of the nice things about eating breakfast here is that they often serve bacon. I happen to be slightly obsessed with good bacon (not that there is such a thing as bad bacon, just some that is better than others). Anyway, if you too are not afraid to stand up tall and strike fear into the hearts of swine all over the world, you might want to visit this site, where you can find the Bacon of the Month Club. You won't be sorry.

I got up for seconds this morning and Dr. Schmidt almost broke the silence by laughing at me, because he knew where I was going and what I was going for.

I should remind first time readers that in the monastery, breakfast is completely silent. (If you want to know more about the basics, check out my journal from last year, which can be found starting here.) Another thing about the monks and food is that you never see them scrape leftover food off of their plate. They will take an initial portion and then go back for more if they are still hungry. It is not a wasteful group of guys.

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